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- In Human Resources Management, there are two selection which is Recruitment process and Selection process.

recruitment process



(1) Promotion.

- Promote the well-performing person.

- In example, the supervisor will be promoted to assistant manager.


(2) Transfer.

- Transfer the employee from one department to another department.

- In example, employee from department beverages, transfer to department food


(3) Retrenched employee.

- Recruiting retired workers due to a shortage of workers. It can also reduce costs because the employee is trained.



(1) College recruitment.

- Open a booth at college to attract student to work in the company.

- For example, company Home Pro open a booth at Polytechnic Nilai to attract student for work with their company.


(2) Employment agencies.

- Get the employee from the agencies.


(3) Internet recruitment.

- Open the job vacancy at Job Street, Linked-in, 'Mau Kerja' and others .

selection process

Preliminary screening.
Review of application form and resume
Selection test.
Employed individual
Medical examination


(1) Preliminary screening.

  • The company will open a booth on college.

  • The candidate will get a necessary information about nature of business.

  • The employer will get a necessary information about candidate's education, experiences, salary expected and others.

(2) Review of application form and resume.

  • It is to ensure that the candidates meet the criteria that needed by the company. 

  • The company can considered based on previous work experience, the education of the candidates, occupational certification that the candidate have or driver licenses of the candidates. 


(3) Selection test.


  • The test can be a physical ability test which is to measure the strength, flexibility and stamina candidates.

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  • Other than that, writing test which is the candidates will receive the task or work and they should write the task.

  • It is to measure a time that taken by the candidates and the mistake that the candidates do. 


(4) Interview.

  • There are formal interview which is the employer has prepare a question and answer.

  • Other than that, it has informal interview which is the question is not prepared by the company.

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(5) Medical examination.

  • Candidates should do a medical check-up to make sure that the candidates are not have a serious healthy problem.


(6) Employed individual.

  • The candidate selected will be given a job.

  • The company should placed the candidates in the right position. 


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