In merchandise handling, it have ordering process, receiving process, checking process and marking process.
(a) Ordering process.
- There are two things that the buyer must negotiate with the supplier:
(1) Price
Buyer must get the low price from supplier.
For example, get the price RM1.50 for Coca Cola from the supplier, so that you can sell with price RM2.00
(2) Discount
In discount have quantity discount and cash discount.
Quantity discount- Buy the stock in a large quantity. For example buy 20 cottons of mineral water.
Cash discount- Make a early payment to supplier and the supplier will give a discount
(b) Receiving process

Order the supplier transportation agent.
For example, Tesco order a transportation agent for Coca Cola sent the stock.

Ensure the exterior packaging is not damage.
For example, is not crushed or broken seal.

Key in the invoice or delivery order at the system
(c) Checking process
- In checking, there have invoice check, quantity check and quality check.

Invoice check
- Compare the invoice with the delivery order.

Quantity check.
- Ensure the quantity is same with invoice and delivery order.
- Example: Calculate the quantity of stock.

Quality check.
- Ensure that the merchandise does not have any damages.
(d) Marking process.
- There are a few of pricing tactics which is customary prices, variable pricing, odd pricing and everyday low price.
Customary pricing-
The retailer set the price and maintain with that price.
For example is newspaper. The price of newspaper is maintain.

Variable pricing-
The retailer set the different price with the same product depends on demand and supply
For example, chocolate bouquet. During the convocation, the price for chocolate bouquet will be high because the demand is also high.

​Odd pricing-
The retailer set the price with the ends in odd number for example is RM 9.98, RM 10.99, RM 25.95

Everyday low price-
The retailer charge the low price with the same customer everyday.
It can increase the company sales. For example, Giant give the low price to customers and used the concept of everyday low price.

- This is the table on how to record the stock in and stock out.